Keeping workers healthy whilst on the go

Staying healthy whilst driving for work

Read our tips below to help you stay on top form whilst driving for work

The biggest causes of accidents are down to the big 3: speeding, distraction and fatigue. Recognising this, we want to ensure that drivers remain fit and healthy with five top tips we have listed below.

Eating healthy

If you are working on the go it can become increasingly tempting to ‘pop in’ to fast food outlets for a quick and easy lunch, especially when time is of the essence. Even worse, finding yourself eating whilst driving. Research shows that 41% of workers eat their lunch in their vehicles and only 37% eat 1 portion of fruit or veg whilst on a shift.  Take some time before you leave for your journey to prepare healthier snacks for on the go. Not only will your body benefit, but your mind too.

Avoid stimulants

Drivers can experience fatigue whilst on the go therefore caffeine drinks appeal as a quick fix. According to the NHS, caffeine consumption may give you a short-term boost towards attention, however excessive consumption can lead to lack of concentration, restlessness and irritability which could adversely impact your driving ability. We recommend replacing caffeinated drinks for water to maintain hydration and focus levels.


Health advisers recommend drinking 2 litres of water a day to improve on focus and concentration. Not forgetting, our bodies are made up of approximately 60% water, give or take! A study found that drivers in simulator tests who were mildly dehydrated made double the errors of those who were properly hydrated. This was roughly the same number as someone who had consumed the upper legal limit of alcohol.

Take a break

Studies show that fresh air can improve our mood, reduce stress and improve the immune system. We recommend before setting off for each journey, plan a suitable ‘pit stop’ to revitalise. A short 5-minute break can improve the body in many ways. Reflex Vehicle Hire can help reduce fatigue incidents with its Flexinap monitor, part of the Driive With Reflex risk management technologies.  


According to the 3rd Pillar of Health, healthier, happier and well-rested employees are less likely to be absent through illness and are less inclined towards presenteeism. They have greater clarity of thought, improved communication skills and are more team focused. Ensuring a good night sleep each evening will boost employees concentration and be far less likely to be involved in an incident.

To learn more about how Reflex can help keep your staff fit and healthy, contact our sales team for more information.


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